NBT magazine nr3-2020 Online

The Netherlands - T +31(0)412 630 545 - info@verhoevenfamily.com VERHOEVEN BAKERY EQUIPMENT FAMILY WWW.VERHOEVENFAMILY.COM TRIBUTE TO TORRICELLI It is strong, safe and engineered as if it has to survive in space. We have put our leadership knowledge in the develop- ment of a new generation solutions. The round heart of this powerful machine creates a vacuum to allow you the best results on your bakery products. Higher stability, more volume and a better sha- pe, less contamination and a longer shelf life, contributing to sustainability. These are just a few of the many extraordinary improvements you can create with the VACTORR B1. A tribute to Evangelista Torricelli, the inventor of the Barometer and first man to create a Vacuum. Our powerful Vacuum Cooling & Baking Batch chamber has often been referred to as ‘the beast’, It has now become a beauty. We are proud to present it to you. For more detailed information please have a look at: www.vacuumcooling.com Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family has a long and succesful history of tailor-made development, engineering and production for the food industry. In the bakery market the family labels have established a strong position due our innovation and creative turnkey solutions. We sell high end production lines and state-of-the-art machines. Developed and made by a wonderful team of dedicated people. They make us proud. We would love to show you why. we make to bake NOW THE BEAST HAS BECOME A BEAUTY THE NEW GENERATION OF VACUUM COOLING & BAKING SOLUTIONS VACUUM COOLING & BAKING BATCH CHAMBER