If the sky is the limit, what comes next? After more than three decades of specialized development and production, we have learned that there is always more to discover and constant room for innovative improvement. Together with our pioneering customers, we are able to find solutions to challenges and individual requirements that cannot be met with standard options. By looking and thinking beyond the limits we think the sky might set for us, we discover ‘new worlds’. Technology based on aerospace knowledge pushes our limits and offers new opportunities such as Vacuum Cooling and Baking. The sky is just not the limit. Verhoeven Bakery Equipment Family has a long and successful history of tailor-made development, engineering and production for the food industry. In the bakery market our family labels have established a strong position due to innovative and creative turnkey solutions. We sell high-end production lines and stateof-the-art machines. Developed and made by a wonderful team of dedicated people. This makes us proud. We would love to show you why. VERHOEVEN BAKERY EQUIPMENT FAMILY WWW.VERHOEVENFAMILY.COM IBA 2023 22-26 OCT. BOOTH C2.271 we make to bake The Ne t he r l ands - T +31 ( 0 ) 412 630 545 - i n f o@ve r hoeven f ami l y. com THE SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT there is always a next step